Congratulations to the PowerGeolab members on their awards, an impressive haul!
Currie Honours Prizes - Available to students enrolled in GEOG 4010Y or 4020D (Honours Thesis). Selection is based on both academic achievement and proposed thesis research.
Awardees: Jamie, Larissa and Victoria
TSE Internship - For TSE Majors entering their 4th year of study, to work on a full-time research project for a period of up to 14 weeks during the summer, generally as part of their Honours Thesis project.
Awardee: Jamie
NSERC URSA - For undergraduate students that show outstanding research potential.
Awardee: Jasmine
J.P. Bickell Foundation Mining Scholarship - Awarded to students studying mining, including the geological and geophysical fields including environmental geosciences, geological sciences, earth sciences programs and mining engineering.
Awardee: Jamie, Larissa, Victoria, Ben, Rob, and Lance
Robert Paehlke Scholarship - Named in honour of Professor Emeritus Robert C. Paehlke who was the founding chair of the Environmental and Resource Studies/Science program in 1972. Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in third or fourth year in the TSE based upon academic achievement. Preference will be given to students excelling in environmental journalism or environmental communication.
Awardee: Lance