

journal articles

(† invited publication; § featured on cover; HQP)


Power, I.M, Hatten, V.N.J., Guo, M., Schaffer, Z.R., Rausis, K., and Klyn-Hesselink, H. (2025) Are enhanced rock weathering rates overestimated? A few geochemical and mineralogical pitfalls. Frontiers in Climate – Carbon Dioxide Removal, 6:1510747.


Lockhart, J.A., Power, I.M., Paulo, C., Stubbs, A.R., Zeyen, N., Wilson S., Steele-MacInnis, Caldwell, R., and Gunning C. (2024) Weathering and cementation of historic kimberlite residues from South Africa: Implications for long-term CO2 sequestration and residue stabilization. Science of the Total Environment, 955:177094.

Tam, W.L.S., McParland, D., Jones, T.R., Power, I.M., Langendam, A., Southam, G., and McCutcheon, J. (2024) Microbial mobilization and reprecipitation of transition metals in waste rock from an abandoned pyrite mine: Implications for metal recovery. Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 62:605−624.

Dostie, L., Rausis, K., and Power, I.M. (2024) Passive direct air capture using calcium oxide powder: The importance of water vapour. Journal of Cleaner Production, 457:142394.

Raudsepp, M.J., Wilson, S., Zeyen, N., Arizaleta, M.L., and Power, I.M. (2024) Magnesite everywhere: Formation of carbonates in the alkaline lakes and playas of the Cariboo Plateau, British Columbia, Canada. Chemical Geology, 648:121951.

Power, I.M., Paulo, C., and Rausis, K. (2024) The mining industry’s role in enhanced weathering and mineralization for CO2 removal. Environmental Science & Technology, 58:43−53.


Stubbs, A.R., Power, I.M., Paulo, C., Wang, B., Zeyen, N., Wilson, S.A., Mervine, E., and Gunning, C. (2023) Impact of wet-dry cycles on enhanced rock weathering of brucite, wollastonite, serpentinite and kimberlite: Implications for carbon verification. Chemical Geology, 637:121674.

§Burnie, T.M., Power, I.M., Paulo, C., Alçiçek, H., Falcón, L.I., Li, Y., and Wilson, S.A. (2023) Environmental and mineralogical controls on biosignature preservation in magnesium carbonate systems analogous to Jezero Crater, Mars. Astrobiology, 23(5):513­–535.

Paulo, C., Power, I.M., Wang, B., Zeyen, N., and Wilson, S.A. (2023) Geochemical modelling of CO2 sequestration in ultramafic mine wastes from Australia, Canada, and South Africa: Implications for carbon accounting and monitoring. Applied Geochemistry, 152:105630.

McCutcheon, J. and Power, I.M. (2023) Microbially mediated carbon dioxide removal for sustainable mining. PLoS Biology, 21(3): e3002026.

Lin, Y., Knapp, W.J., Li, W., Zheng, M., Ye, C., She, J., Xia, Z., Power, I.M., Zhao, Y., and Tipper, E.T. (2023) Magnesium isotope constraints on the Holocene hydromagnesite formation in alkaline Lake Dujiali, central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. JGR Earth Surface, 128:e2022JF006907.

Wood, C., Harrison, A.L., and Power, I.M. (2023) Impacts of dissolved phosphorus and soil-mineral-fluid interactions on CO2 removal through enhanced weathering of wollastonite in soils. Applied Geochemistry, 148:105511.


Lin, Y., Power, I.M., and Chen, W. (2022) Holocene lacustrine abiotic aragonitic ooids from the western Qaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Minerals, 12:1400.

Zhu, B., Wilson, S.A., Raudsepp, M.J., Vessey, C.J., Zeyen, N., Safari, S., Snihur, K., Wang, B., Riechelmann, S., Paulo, C., Power, I.M., Rostron, B.J., Alessi, D.S. (2022) Accelerating mineral carbonation of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water using CO2-rich gas. Applied Geochemistry, 143:105380.

Zeyen, N., Wang, B., Wilson, S.A., Paulo, C., Stubbs, A.R., Power, I.M., Steele-MacInnis, M., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., Paterson, D.J., Hamilton, J.L., Jones, T., Turvey, C.C., Dipple., G.M., and Southam, G. (2022) Cation exchange in smectites as a new approach to mineral carbonation: Characterization of the highly reactive clay fraction from the Venetia and Gahcho Kué diamond mines. Frontiers in Climate: Negative Emissions Technologies, 4:913632.

Rausis, K.Stubbs, A.R.Power, I.M., and Paulo, C. (2022) Rates of atmospheric CO2 capture using magnesium oxide powder. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 119:103701.

Stubbs, A.R.Paulo, C.Power, I.M., Wang, B., Zeyen, N., and Wilson, S.A. (2022) Direct measurement of CO2 drawdown in mine wastes and rock powders: Implications for enhanced rock weathering. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 113:103554.


Power, I.M.Paulo, C.Long, H.Lockhart, J.A.Stubbs, A.R., French, D. and Caldwell, R. (2021) Carbonation, cementation, and stabilization of ultramafic mine tailings. Environmental Science & Technology, 55:10056–10066.

Mavromatis, V., Power, I.M., Harrison, A.L., Beinlich, A., Dipple, G.M., and Bénézeth, P. (2021) Mechanisms controlling the Mg isotope composition of hydromagnesite-magnesite playas near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Chemical Geology, 579:120325.

Paulo, C.Power, I.M.Stubbs, A.R., Wang, B., Zeyen, N., and Wilson, S.A. (2021) Evaluating feedstocks for carbon dioxide removal for enhanced rock weathering and CO2 mineralization. Applied Geochemistry, 104955.

Richards-Thomas, T., McKenna-Neuman, C., and Power, I.M. (2021) Particle-scale characterization of Icelandic dust sources: volcanic ash & glaciogenic sediments. Sedimentology, 68:1137–1158.


Power, I.M., Dipple, G.M., Bradshaw, P., and Harrison, A.L. (2020) Prospects for CO2 mineralization and enhanced weathering of ultramafic mine tailings from the Baptiste nickel deposit in British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 94:102895.


Lin, Y., Zheng, M., Ye, C., and Power, I.M. (2019) Trace and rare earth element geochemistry of Holocene hydromagnesite from Dujiali Lake, central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Carbonates and Evaporites, 34:1265−1279.

Lin, Y., Zheng, M., Ye, C., and Power, I.M. (2019) Rare earth element and strontium isotope geochemistry in Dujiali Lake, central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China: Implications for the origin of hydromagnesite deposits. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry, 79:337–346.

Power, I.M., Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., Wilson, S.A., Barker, S.L.L., Fallon, S.J. (2019) Magnesite formation in playa environments near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 255:1−24.

McCutcheon, J., Power, I.M., Shuster J.,Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., and Southam, G. (2019) Carbon sequestration in biogenic magnesite and other magnesium carbonate minerals. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 3225−3237.


Mervine, E.M., Wilson, S.A., Power, I.M., Dipple, G.M., Turvey, C.C., Hamilton, J.L., Vanderzee, S., Raudsepp, M., Southam, C., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P.B., Stiefenhofer, J., Miya, Z., and Southam, G. (2018) Potential for offsetting diamond mine carbon emissions through mineral carbonation of processed kimberlite: an assessment of De Beers mine sites in South Africa and Canada. Mineralogy and Petrology, 112(Suppl 2):S755–S765.

Lin, Y., Zheng, M., Ye, C., and Power, I.M. (2018) Thermogravimetric analysis–mass spectrometry (TGA–MS) of hydromagnesite from Dujiali Lake in Tibet, China. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 133:1429–1437.

Ye, C., Mao, J., Ren, Y., Li, Y., Lin, Y., Power, I.M., and Luo, Y. (2018) Salt crystallization sequences of nonmarine brine and their application for the formation of potassium deposits. Aquatic Geochemistry, 24:209–229.

Blackmore, S., Vriens, B., Sorensen, M., Power, I.M., Smith, L., Hallam, S.J., Mayer, K.U., and Beckie, R.D. (2018) Microbial and geochemical controls on waste rock weathering and drainage quality.Science of the Total Environment, 640–641:1004–1014.

Li, J., Hitch, M., Power, I.M., Yueyi, P. (2018) Integrated Mineral Carbonation of Ultramafic Mine Deposits – A Review. Minerals, 8, 147, 18 p.


Power I.M., Dipple, G.M., Kenward, P.A., and Raudsepp, M. (2017) Room temperature magnesite precipitation. Crystal Growth & Design, 17: 56525659.  

Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., Song, W., Power, I.M., Mayer, K.U., Beinlich, A., and Sinton, D. (2017) Changes in mineral reactivity driven by pore fluid mobility in partially wetted porous media. Chemical Geology, 463:111. 

Power, I.M., Dipple, G.M., and Francis P.S. (2017) Assessing the carbon sequestration potential of magnesium oxychloride cement building materials. Cement and Concrete Composites, 78:97107. 


Power, I.M., Harrison, A.L., and Dipple, G.M. (2016) Accelerating mineral carbonation using carbonic anhydrase. Environmental Science & Technology, 50:26102618. 

Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., and Mayer, K.U. (2016) The impact of evolving mineral-water-gas interfacial areas on mineral-fluid reaction rates in unsaturated porous media. Chemical Geology, 421:6580. 


White, R.A. III, Power, I.M., Dipple, G.M., Southam, G., and Suttle, C.A. (2015) Metagenomic analysis reveals that modern microbialites and polar microbial mats have similar taxonomic and functional potential. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6 (966):114. 

Harrison, A.L., Power, I.M., Dipple, G.M., and Mayer, K.U. (2015) Influence of surface passivation and water content on mineral carbonation rates: Implications for CO2 sequestration in mine tailings. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 148:477495. 


McCutcheon, J., Power, I.M., Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., and Southam, G. (2014) A greenhouse-scale photosynthetic microbial bioreactor for carbon sequestration in magnesium carbonate minerals. Environmental Science & Technology, 48:91429151. 

§Power, I.M., Wilson, S.A., Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., McCutcheon, J., Southam, G., and Kenward P. (2014) A depositional model for hydromagnesite-magnesite playas near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Sedimentology, 61:1701–1733. 

Wilson, S.A., Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., Barker, S.L., Mayer, U.K., Fallon, S.J., Raudsepp, M., and Southam G. (2014) Offsetting of CO2 emissions by air capture in mine tailings at the Mount Keith Nickel Mine, Western Australia: Rates, controls and prospects for carbon neutral mining. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 25:121-140. 

Power, I.M., McCutcheon, J., Harrison, A.L., Wilson, S.A., Dipple, G.M., Kelly, S., Southam, C., and Southam, G. (2014) Strategizing carbon-neutral mines: A case for pilot projects. Minerals, 4:399-436.


Thom, J.G.M., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., and Harrison, A.L. (2013) Chrysotile dissolution rates: Implications for carbon sequestration. Applied Geochemistry, 35:244-254. 

Power, I.M., Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., and Southam, G. (2013) Carbon sequestration via carbonic anhydrase facilitated magnesium carbonate precipitation. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 16:145-155. 

†Power, I.M., Wilson, S.A., and Dipple, G.M. (2013) Serpentinite carbonation for CO2 sequestration. Elements, 9:115-121. 

Harrison, A.L., Power, I.M., and Dipple, G.M. (2013) Accelerated carbonation of brucite in mine tailings for carbon sequestration.  Environmental Science & Technology, 47:126134. 


Bea, S.A., Wilson, S.A., Mayer, K.U., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., and Gamazo, P. (2012) Reactive transport modeling of natural carbon sequestration in ultra-mafic mine tailings. Vadose Zone Journal, 11 (2). 

Chalmers, G.R., Bustin, R.M., and Power, I.M. (2012) Characterisation of gas shale pore systems by porosimetry, pycnometry, surface area and FE-SEM/TEM image analyses:  Examples from the Barnett, Woodford, Haynesville, Marcellus and Doig Formations.  American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 96:10991119. 

Angiboust, S., Fayek, M., Power, I.M., Camacho, A., Calas, G., and Southam, G. (2012) Structural and biological control of the Cenozoic epithermal uranium concentrations from the Sierra Peña Blanca, Mexico. Mineralium Deposita, 47:859874.


Power, I.M., Wilson, S.A., Small, D.P., Dipple, G.M., Wan W., and Southam, G. (2011) Microbially mediated mineral carbonation:  Roles of phototrophy and heterotrophy. Environmental Science & Technology, 45:9061–9068.

Wilson, S.A., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., Barker, S.L.L., Fallon, S.J., and Southam, G. (2011) Subarctic weathering of mineral wastes provides a sink for atmospheric CO2. Environmental Science & Technology, 45:7727–7736.

Schuiling, R., Wilson, S.A., and Power, I.M. (2011) Enhanced silicate weathering is not limited by silicic acid saturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108:E41. 

Power, I.M., Wilson, S.A., Dipple, G.M., and Southam, G. (2011) Modern carbonate microbialites from an asbestos open pit pond, Yukon, Canada. Geobiology, 9:180–195.

Sherar, B.W.A., Power, I.M., Keech, P.G., Mitlin, S., Southam, G., and Shoesmith, D.W. (2011) Characterizing the effect of carbon steel exposure in sulfide containing solutions to microbially induced corrosion. Corrosion Science, 53:955960. 


Power, I.M., Dipple, G.M., and Southam, G. (2010) Bioleaching of ultramafic tailings by Acidithiobacillus spp. for CO2 sequestration. Environmental Science & Technology, 44:456–462. 

Wilson, S.A., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., Thom, J.M., Anderson, R.G., Raudsepp, M., Gabites, J.E., Southam, G. (2009) Carbon dioxide fixation within mine wastes of ultramafic-hosted ore deposits: Examples from the Clinton Creek and Cassiar chrysotile deposits, Canada. Economic Geology, 104:95–112. 

Power, I.M., Wilson, S.A., Thom, J.M., Dipple, G.M., Gabites, J.E., and Southam, G. (2009) The hydromagnesite playas of Atlin, British Columbia, Canada: A biogeochemical model for CO2 sequestration. Chemical Geology, 260:286–300. 

Power, I.M., Wilson, S.A., Thom, J.M., Dipple, G.M., and Southam, G. (2007) Biologically induced mineralization of dypingite by cyanobacteria from an alkaline wetland near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Geochemical Transactions, 8:13. 

Book chapters and roadmaps

†Sandalow, D., Aines, R.D., Friedmann, S.J., Kelemen, P., McCormick, C., Power, I.M., Schmidt, B.E., and Wilson S.A. (2021) Carbon mineralization roadmap. Innovation for Cool Earth Forum. Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

†Power, I.M., Harrison, A.L., Dipple, G.M., Wilson, S.A., Kelemen, P.B., Hitch, M., and Southam, G. Carbon mineralization: From natural analogues to engineered systems. In Geochemistry of Geologic CO2 Sequestration; DePaolo, D.J.; Cole, D.R.; Navrotsky, A.; Bourg, I.C., Eds.; The Mineralogical Society of America: Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A., 2013c; Vol. 77:305–360.

Conference proceedings

Paulo, C.Power, I.M.Stubbs, A.R., Zeyen, N., and Wilson, S.A. (2020) An analytical tool to assess the carbonation potential of mineral deposits and mining wastes. Conference of Metallurgists, Toronto, Canada. 9 p.

Vanderzee, S., Dipple, G.M., and Power, I.M. (2019) Carbon sequestration in ultramafic mine waste: Potential for carbon neutral mining. Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 4 p.

Mervine, E.M., Dipple, G.M., Power, I.M., Wilson, S.A., Southam, G., Southam, C., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P.B., Stiefenhofer, J. and Miya, Z. (2017) Potential for offsetting diamond mine carbon emissions through mineral carbonation of processed kimberlite. International Kimberlite Conference, Gaborone, Botswana. 3 p.

Harrison, A.L., Power, I.M., and Dipple, G.M. (2013) Strategies for enhancing carbon sequestration in Mg-rich mine tailings. In: Reliable Mine Water Technology (Eds. Wolkersdorfer, Brown, and Figuerao). International Mine Water Association, Golden, Colorado, USA.  pp. 1520.

Dipple, G.M., Wilson, S.A., Power, I.M., Thom, J.M., Raudsepp, M., and Southam, G. (2008) Passive mineral carbonation in mine tailings. In: 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering (Eds. Baciocchi, Costa, Polettini, and Pomi). Rome, Italy. pp. 119122.

Covers for publications by White et al., 2015 - Frontiers in Microbiology; Power et al., 2016 - Sedimentology; and Burnie et al., 2023 - Astrobiology.